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Vessel owners often require the services of a surveyor for many possible reasons. We offer Owner's Agent representation in the following areas:
Damage Claim Representation:
Often, due to location, travel schedules, or circumstances the vessel owner may benefit from having his or her interests represented by a knowledgeable surveyor. In these cases, there typically is a simple contract drawn up between the vessel owner and us defining the scope of our service and basic charge guidelines. We often will work with surveyors or adjusters assigned by your insurance company and by any other involved insurance company or legal agency. Our reports are kept confidential and we take no action without your approval.
New Construction:
Surveyors often are hired by individuals and/or lenders who are having a vessel custom built or are financing the building. We strongly recommend involving a knowledgeable surveyor during the negotiation stage -- prior to signing a contract with a builder. We have seen where things go wrong souring a potentially amicable relationship between a buyer and a builder. This experience can benefit both parties by avoiding unnecessary complications. Engaging the services of a maritime attorney in the process at the onset also is an expense that is certain to pay for itself.
The surveyor can visit the builder on an agreed upon schedule to perform benchmark inspections, ensure systems are properly installed prior to covering, verify material quality, ensure the proper skill levels are employed as needed, and monitor to see that activity levels meet expectations.
Inspections for Distant Buyers:
The internet has expanded the ability of buyers to locate potentially enticing vessels in distant locations. Locating the vessel is simpler than traveling great distances only to find the vessel does not meet their expectations. A surveyor often can perform a walk through, inspect mutually agreed key items, take relevant photographs and discuss the findings via phone or e-mail. This abbreviated walk through cannot replace a survey but it can provide additional information to assist the buyer in deciding whether or not to travel to inspect the vessel in person or whether to make an offer and proceed to survey. Additionally, the surveyor's local knowledge can assist with selecting specific vendors for required services.
We can offer a wide range of input and assistance with boat types, purchases, vendor referrals, local weather and cruising, etc. Check with us if you have any questions.
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